<% intMonth=Request.QueryString("month") strYear=Request.QueryString("year") if intMonth<=12 and intMonth >=1 then if isdate("01-"&monthname(intMonth)&"-"&strYear) then strMonth=monthname(intMonth) 'intMonth=month(intMonth) 'strYear=year(now) else strMonth=monthname(month(now)) intMonth=month(now) strYear=year(now) end if else strMonth=monthname(month(now)) intMonth=month(now) strYear=year(now) end if set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") fpath="DBQ="&Server.MapPath("admin\_db\feida.mdb") dpath="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" conn.open dpath&fpath set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set rs2=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") %>



<% if not cint(intMonth)=month(now) then %> <% end if %>

<%=strMonth%>   <%=strYear%>
<% 'generate first week of the month const totalDayperWeek=7 strWeekDay=weekday("01-"&strMonth&"-"&strYear)-1 if strWeekDay=0 then strWeekDay=7 end if %> <% if strWeekDay>1 then for i=1 to strWeekDay-1 %> <% counter=counter+1 next end if %> <% counter=1 for i=1 to totalDayperWeek-strWeekDay+1 %> <% counter=counter+1 next %> <% MonthLastDay=day(dateserial(strYear,intMonth+1,1-1)) counter2=1 for i=counter to MonthLastDay %> <% if counter2 mod 7 =0 then %> <% end if counter2=counter2+1 next %>


<% strDOCourse=cdate(counter & "-" & strMonth & "-" & strYear) 'Response.Write(strDOCourse) strSQL="SELECT * FROM CourseSchedule WHERE DOCourse=#"&strDOCourse&"# ORDER BY ID" rs.open strSQL,conn,1,3 if not rs.EOF then do while not rs.EOF courseID=rs("CourseID") ClassType=rs("ClassType") OpenSeaID=rs("OpenSeaID") strSQL="SELECT * FROM CourseMaster WHERE ID="&courseID rs2.Open strSQL,conn,1,3 if not rs2.EOF then CourseName=rs2("CourseName") end if rs2.close if ClassType="Open Sea" then strSQL="SELECT * FROM CourseOpenSea WHERE OpenSeaID="&OpenSeaID rs2.Open strSQL,conn,1,3 if not rs2.EOF then Destination=rs2("Destination") Itinerary=rs2("Itinerary") NoDives=rs2("NoDives") Availability=rs2("Availability") Remarks=rs2("Remarks") DAPoint=rs2("DAPoint") Meals=rs2("Meals") Accomodation=rs2("Accomodation") end if rs2.close end if %>

<%if ClassType = "Open Sea" then%> <%=Destination%>
Itinerary <%end if%>

<% rs.movenext loop end if rs.close %>


<% strDOCourse=cdate(i & "-" & strMonth & "-" & strYear) 'Response.Write(strDOCourse) strSQL="SELECT * FROM CourseSchedule WHERE DOCourse=#"&strDOCourse&"# ORDER BY ID" rs.open strSQL,conn,1,3 if not rs.EOF then do while not rs.EOF courseID=rs("CourseID") ClassType=rs("ClassType") OpenSeaID=rs("OpenSeaID") strSQL="SELECT * FROM CourseMaster WHERE ID="&courseID rs2.Open strSQL,conn,1,3 if not rs2.EOF then CourseName=rs2("CourseName") end if rs2.close if ClassType="Open Sea" then strSQL="SELECT * FROM CourseOpenSea WHERE OpenSeaID="&OpenSeaID rs2.Open strSQL,conn,1,3 if not rs2.EOF then Destination=rs2("Destination") Itinerary=rs2("Itinerary") NoDives=rs2("NoDives") Availability=rs2("Availability") Remarks=rs2("Remarks") DAPoint=rs2("DAPoint") Meals=rs2("Meals") Accomodation=rs2("Accomodation") end if rs2.close end if %>

<%if ClassType = "Open Sea" then%> <%=Destination%>
Itinerary <%end if%>

<% rs.movenext loop end if rs.close %>